Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Funky Owl Painting Class

My latest adventure in painting was a Funky Owl class!  What a cute subject!  I had four girls come out and paint with me.  We had soooo much fun!  

I love all of these smiling faces and the proud mamas and daddys!  When the parents come to pick them up and get to see their accomplishment is my favorite part.

Each little owl followed the same basic outline but turned out so differently.  Each girl added their own special touches.

My daughter painted with us, too.  I forgot to take a picture of her...such is life when you are the teacher's kid!
If you're interested in a painting class, just click here to see the iLearn Center's upcoming schedules.  You can also email me with questions or comments anytime.  Hope to see you there!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

iLearn Classes

I'm so, so , so happy to announce that I am the newest staff member at McMinnville's own iLearn Center!  I'm even happier that our town has this wonderful facility to bring arts to our youth.
Since I am still teaching school during the day and have two busy kids, I am only offering one class in February and one class in March.  Hopefully, there'll be lots more to follow!

Tuesday, February 24 - 4:30-6:30 - Eiffel Towers - open to ages 8, 9, and 10 - acrylic on 16x20 canvas.  $30.00  includes class fee and all supplies!
Here are my two inspiration pieces.  Our artwork will be my combination of the two plus some of my own touches!

Friday, March 13 - 6:00-8:00 - Parent's Night Out Painting Class - drop them off any enjoy a nice dinner out:)! - Cat or Dog - open to ages 6, 7, and 8 - acrylic on 16x20 canvas - $30.00 includes class fee and all supplies!
Here's the inspiration pieces for the dog and cat design.  Aren't they just the cutest things?

Help spread the word...share with anyone you think might be interested in art classes!!

 There will also be two classes offered during the month of April and two during the month of May.  I'd love to hear your requests and suggestions for age groupings and subject material.
You can visit the iLearn website for directions, a complete schedule, and to book classes.  I am keeping my class sizes small for lots of personal attention!  These dates were just finalized today, so please give them time to get them listed.  Please let me know if you have any questions!  Thank you!!!

iLearn site:
My class site: